You Are NOT Forgotten
…by Chuck Graham
Faith is an interesting thing. The English word…like so many English words…has various definitions. Depending on the context, faith can refer to seeing, grasping, or understanding, each based on physical experience. We have faith the sun has risen because we see it is so.
The other day I sat at my desk wondering what the next Note should be about and asked God what He wanted me to write. I was very still and quiet. But nothing. So I decided to take a break.
I checked our Facebook pages and saw this message from The Voice of the Martyrs 1 : Write a note of encouragement to a Nigerian Christian . Let Them Know They Are Not Forgotten. Seriously!
Seemed like a clear reply to my prayer. So here we go. Let me know what you think. Maybe this is for all of us.
To friends I’ve never met…
I cannot claim to know what you are going through. We read of families torn apart and churches burned to the ground. We hear of attacks and murders by those who hate, only because you follow Jesus.
In my country, we are mocked, mistreated, put down, ridiculed, and laughed at. But it is nothing like what you are enduring. So what can I possibly say to encourage you? Well, I can remind you…
When Jesus walked this earth, He knew your name. When He said, Follow me, 2 He saw your eyes. When He told of troubles yet to come, He was speaking directly to you.
You are important to God,
He knew all about you, the good and the bad. And He still wanted you, because He knew your heart. He knew by His strength you would stand your ground and, when all was done, remain standing.
He also knew there would be lands where His church would grow weak…where buildings would be more important than people, loving others just an idea, and few choosing to encourage anyone.
You are important to God and His Kingdom. You are His light in this dark world. He lives within you and is always with you. No one can take you from His hand. And you are never, ever forgotten.
And you are important to us.
The church in America is struggling, as many are blinded by wealth and pride. It desperately needs to find its way back to the truth of the life which we have all been called to live.
We need to experience our brothers and sisters standing tall in their love for God and their love for each other. We need to stand with them. We need them…and we need you.
Take care & be God’s,
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa, an international ministry devoted to sharing God’s encouragement and teaching how to encourage one another. Also an author and speaker, Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. Learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.Ciloa.org .
Footnotes: (1) The Voice of the Martyrs is a non-profit missions organization that offers practical and spiritual help to persecuted Christians around the world. Visit http://www.persecution.com for more information. (2) Read Mark 8:34.
Pictures: All pictures in this Note come from The Voice of the Martyrs, persecution.com.