It’s a Beautiful Day
Recently I had mild pain in my upper back. Putting on my imaginary doctor’s coat, I diagnosed it as a pulled muscle, took a pill, and told myself, Walk it off. The pain will work itself out. 1 But the pain grew worse…much worse.
A muscle spasm (I discovered) is a shock of pain so severe it takes your breath away. You hardly have time to scream, “Jesus take me now.” He chose not to. So I went to see my doctor’s PA who found I had muscle knots across my back. 2
I took anti-inflammatory pills and muscle relaxers at first, but the pain always returned. Next was physical therapy. That level of pain does not work itself out. So I needed someone special to work it out.
We are being renewed every day.
Paul wrote: Though outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 3 There were times in my recovery when I felt like my body was wasting away. But now I can better understand what Paul was telling us.
First, he says we are being renewed. We are not renewing ourselves. Just as when I needed someone special (a therapist) to work on me, we need someone special…God…to work in us.
Second, he says we are being renewed. Here renewed means to be restored, begin again. God works on our attitudes, motives, desires, and direction to be as He first intended. Then we can begin again.
There will be pain if we are to heal.
Third, Paul says the renewal occurs day by day. This is a long process. We need to remember that. As we are being renewed, we will experience success and joy. But there will also be failure and sorrow. Ask those with addictions what a relapse feels like.
And there will be pain. Just as therapists worked on the areas in my muscles damaged by stress so I would be better physically, God works on the areas in our lives ravaged by sin so we can be better spiritually. Yes, it will hurt, but it’s the only way to heal.
As we are being renewed, life at times may seem dark and gloomy. But God is with us every step of the way. And even when it rains…it’s a beautiful day.
Ciloa Forever!
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa, an international ministry devoted to encouraging others and teaching them how to encourage one another. He is also an author and speaker. Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. Learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.Ciloa.org.
Footnotes: (1) The Rule of “Walk it off”: If injured, get back on your feet, carry on, and the pain will work itself out. If it doesn’t, apply home remedies. Seek medical help as a last resort. (2) PA stands for Physician’s Assistant. Muscle knots are caused by extreme stress and tension for a prolonged period. (3) Read 2 Corinthians 4:16.
Pictures: Banner:. (1) (2) Never Give Up poster by Bible.com.