Landmarks Along the Way
1968. Summer was over. It was time to begin a new school year at a new school. Children back then walked to school or rode their bicycles. I was a petite, shy six-year-old, about to venture out all by myself. And I was going to walk!
I really didn’t have a plan. I would just walk out the door and follow other kids to school. But my dad knew better. I needed to be prepared. So taking my hand in his, we walked from our house, down the road, and around the corner.
That was easy! But as we rounded another corner, nothing looked familiar. Then my dad began pointing out landmarks. “Look for the yellow house with the white shutters at the corner and turn left.” I will never forget his guidance.
Whenever you turn to the right or to the left…
We walked all the way to the school, then all the way home. I don’t know how many times we practiced, but my dad walked with me until I could point out the landmarks by myself, and we both felt confident I would find my way safely.
When the day arrived, I headed out the door, looking for the landmarks and making my turns just as my dad and I had done. I made it to school and home safely that first day as well as the next and the next, without a care in the world.
Years later my mom shared the truth about that day. I had not walked alone. As I rounded the first corner, my dad got in his car and followed me…watching my every step, making my every turn, and being sure I didn’t miss a landmark!
…a voice will say, “This is the way, walk in it.” 1
Our God is a caring, loving Father, who doesn’t want us to get lost in life. He walks with us, teaching us the way we should go. He provides landmarks to keep us on the right path. And His Holy Spirit guides us back if we make a wrong turn.
He has promised us…I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you; who directs you in the way you should go. 2
Every day is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Put your hand in the hand of your loving Father. Listen to His voice as He teaches you the landmarks to follow along the path He has prepared for you, His precious child.
Eyes on Jesus…you’re shining!
Lisa Brittain and her husband, Randy, live in Lilburn, Georgia, with their three puppies…Nole, Liberty, and Victor. Follow Lisa’s blogs and current events at EyesOnJesusAndShine. And check out her book, 31 Days of Gleaning with Ruth—Questioning My Way Through a Famine Season, available now on Amazon.com.
Footnotes: (1) Read Isaiah 30:21. (2) Read Isaiah 48:17.
Pictures: Banner (1) (2) Isaiah 30:21, Pinterest, creator unknown, (3) Lisa & Family, photo provided by Lisa Brittain..