The Meaning of God’s Life
What’s the meaning of God’s life? You may have a puzzled look on your face right about now. So be careful. Assumptions can lead us down the wrong path if we don’t understand the question. To answer, we must know what is life and meaning.
Life is more than some random interval. It is the collection of experiences, knowledge, and understanding within the existence of a living being. God’s life is such an existence which we can know through His actions, communication and presence.
But what is life if there is no meaning? Meaning is defined as one’s intention or goal. When used in regard to a person’s life, meaning is the inner significance that gives life purpose and direction, which is often communicated to another.
Time is important in God’s plan for creation.
Our question now becomes, What is the intention or goal behind God’s actions, communication and presence that tell us the purpose and direction of His existence? Simply put, what’s the point of it all? Have the answer? Well, there’s something else you need to know.
That, my friends, is the Nonspatial Continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future, measured by regularly occurring events during an interval. Too technical? Then let’s just call it…time.
Time places events in order…past, present and future. For example, you’ve already read half of this wonderful Note—a past event. You’re reading these words now—a present event. And if you want to discover the meaning of God’s life, you will read a bit more—a future event.
And He made a promise before it all began.
Congratulations. You now understand the Nonspatial Continuum. (I would go into the Space-Time Continuum but haven’t the space or the time.) And what could this possibly have to do with the meaning of God’s life? Everything! In his letter to Titus, Paul spoke of a promise.
For a faith and knowledge of truth resting on the hope of eternal life, which God promised before the beginning of time, and at His appointed season He brought His Word to light… (Read Titus 1:1-3) So before all things, before time itself…there was God and there was purpose and direction to His existence. That purpose and direction is found in His promise of eternal life to…you!
The meaning of God’s life…the declared purpose of His being and the direction of His existence is…to spend forever with you. He knew it, planned it, and wanted it…from the very moment before time. Hmmm. How do you feel about yourself now?
Ciloa Forever!
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa, an international ministry devoted to encouraging others and teaching them how to encourage one another. He is also an author and speaker. Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. Learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.Ciloa.org.
Pictures: Banner: (1) Abundant Life, BibleVersesToGo. (2) To Save The World, GodsWord.org. (3) Eternal Life, BiblePortal.com.