And Then There Were Two!
It’s time to part. Everyone has had enough of “up close” and need some personal space. We all know it, and recognize that this is how it is meant to be.
But there’s always a dull ache in my heart. A small lump in my throat. A stinging behind my eyes…when it’s time to say goodbye to the seeds and their families. 1
My hugs are tighter than necessary because I am trying to make an imprint of them on my heart. The kind of imprint that will last until next time.
A loving mom’s heart is much like God’s… 2
I say “I love you” too many times because one more is always good. You know! Just in case they didn’t hear me the other 5 times.
I always say dumb “mom” things that grown-ups already know. Like “Be safe.” And, “Let us know when you get home.”
I wave again and again and don’t turn away until they round the corner…so they know for sure that I am going to miss their presence.
They long for their children to be with them.
Memories are good, for through them those we hold dear are always near. And even if a moment could be changed, I would not do it.
It’s the wobbly times…the emotional moments…the awkward…the daunting…the laughter…the competition…the noise and the silence…the YAY and the uh-oh…that make memories for a lifetime.
It’s all the emotions (whether we like them or not) that remind us of the only people on the planet who have the power to impact us so deeply. Because these are the people we allow this close and love this much and want this desperately to return! And until then…
Eyes on Jesus…you’re shining!
Lisa Brittain and her husband, Randy, live in Lilburn, Georgia, with their three puppies…Nole, Liberty, and Victor. Follow Lisa’s blogs and current events at EyesOnJesusAndShine. And check out her book, 31 Days of Gleaning with Ruth—Questioning My Way Through a Famine Season, available now on Amazon.com.
Footnotes: (1) “Seeds” refers to her grown sons. (2) And as God has said, As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you…Isaiah 66:13.
Pictures: Banner Photo: A Mom Hug, Getty Images. 1st Photo: Ready to Leave, Shutterstock. 2nd Photo: Saying Goodbye, huffingtonpost.com. 3rd Photo: Leaving Home by Jillian Sellers, Getty Images.