The Light at the Inn
…by Chuck Graham
It was not what I’d planned, but what I have. A narrow way, a dark night, and no turning back. I’ve traveled through forests, skirted a raging river, and scrambled about the countryside. Yet I see nothing but what is just in front of me. God, where are you?
In 2006 Beverly and I were traveling with friends John and Sandy in Scotland when a man waved me to stop.1 “Where ye headin’?” “Glencoe.” “Nae this way. A82’s blocked. Take this wee road. It’ll get you there.” The wee road looked like a driveway in tall grass.
Day 1 of our trip had gone perfectly. But on Day 2 no rooms were available anywhere and we ended up sleeping in our van. Day 3 we finally found two rooms at the Clachaig Inn, far north in the Highlands.2 Now our plans changed again, and we took the wee road less traveled.
Though the night was dark, there was light at the Inn.
If you’re wondering how the detour went, read again my first paragraph. It was dark…very dark. We never knew exactly where we were going, only to follow the narrow road. Once I stopped and glanced about the van. They all seemed happy they weren’t driving.
After what felt like days, the road led us across a field and just ahead, cars sped along a highway. We breathed a sigh of relief and joined them on the A82. Soon after, we walked into the Inn and were greeted by friendly folk who took care of us.
In today’s dark night, there is a narrow road to follow.
I recently received news that the Clachaig Inn is struggling in this Age of COVID-19 and has closed for a time. Though 14 years ago, I remembered the wee road adventure as if it were yesterday. And I realized how similar it was to what we are going through now.
Life today has much confusion, fear, and denial. It is not the life we planned, but what we have. We can be engulfed by it all or follow a light along a narrow road that promises to get us through this dark night to where hope and comfort await.
Yet liars are everywhere. We must be careful to follow the narrow road. Though it is difficult, a light will lead us, One who will take care of us. But remember…the road is narrow that leads to life, and only a few find it.3 So…take this wee road.
Ciloa Forever,
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa, an international ministry devoted to encouraging others and teaching them how to encourage one another. Also an author and speaker, Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. Learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.Ciloa.org.
Footnotes : (1) John and Sandy McMath. By the way, Scotland is the land of my ancestors with Clan Graham on my father’s side and Clam Maclachlan on my mother’s. (2) The Clachaig Inn is located in Glencoe, a beautiful glen in the Scottish Highlands surrounded by stunning mountains formed by ice age glaciers. (3) Read Matthew 7:13-15.
Pictures : Banner Photo: On the way to Glencoe, photo by Chuck Graham. (1) Driving in Scotland, arboursabroad.com. (2) The Clachaig Inn, Glencoe, Scotland, UK, photo by Chuck Graham. (3) From the original Clearing Storm Glencoe by Ian Cameron.