My Dad’s Tools…in My Hands
…by Lisa Brittain
Recently, this Scripture caught my attention. I’m sure I’ve read it before, but this time these words stopped my brain from reading further. The brakes locked tight and I read it again. And again.
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they (our weapons) have divine power to demolish strongholds. 1
My thoughts focused on this word of God. I believe with every fiber of my being that God’s word is true, but I still had questions. I know my heavenly Father loves me and delights in my questions, so I began to talk with Him right then and there.
Father, since Your word is true, I know you have given me spiritual weapons possessing divine power with which to do Your will on earth during my lifetime. I also know that Your divinely designed weapons are powerful to demolish strongholds. So why don’t I see strongholds being broken all around me in the community where I live and in the lives of people I love?
Often we rush to do God’s will before He has taught us how.
With that question spilling from my lips, many tears of anguish and longing and even despair fell from my eyes. A knot twisted in my stomach with an awareness of my own inadequacy. My heavenly Abba possesses spiritually empowered implements designed to set people free and all were available to me as His daughter. Yet I was inept at effectively using them.
Immediately my thoughts ran to my own earthly dad and the time we’ve spent together recaning furniture. My dad is a carpenter, though he prefers “woodworker”. He’s created and handcrafted many useful pieces of furniture, birdhouses, toys and much more over the years of my life. He has also taken many broken things, disassembled them, made repairs, and returned the items better than new.
When my dad and I began working together in his workshop, he taught me about his tools and the appropriate use for each according to the task at hand. After using the tool first, he would hand it to me, showing me how to hold it properly and the best way to use the tool effectively in my own hands. He let me try and fail. Then he would reach in to help me make corrections. And as I struggled to learn, he always asked, “Do you want me to give you some helpful pointers?”
God gives us powerful weapons when He calls us to fight.
After several weeks of working on our first chair recaning project, my dad presented me with my own tool bucket. It’s my favorite color–red. Next he gave me my own tools…the very tools he had been teaching me to use.
I’m still learning, and will be for the rest of my life. Yet, each time I use these tools and allow him to give me helpful pointers, my skill improves and the tools in my hands become more effective.
These days I’m trusting my heavenly Father to do the same (and more) for me and with me. Giving me spiritual weapons of divine power. Teaching me how to effectively use them. Correcting me along the way. Because the desire of my heart is to see the people I love in and around my community be free–REALLY FREE–from the strongholds that torment them!
Eyes on Jesus…you’re shining!
Lisa Brittain and her husband, Randy, live in Lilburn, Georgia, with their three puppies–Nole, Liberty, and Victor. Follow Lisa’s blogs and current events at www.lisabrittain.com . And check out her book, 31 Days of Gleaning with Ruth-Questioning My Way Through a Famine Season, available now on Amazon.com.
1. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 NIV
Banner Photo: The New and the Old, photo by Lisa Brittain. (1) Ephesians 6:12, creator unknown. (2) First Chair Caning, by Lisa Brittain. (3) Dad & Daughter, by Lisa Brittain