A Quiet Mind
Sometimes I can’t turn it off. My mind, that is. Like last August when I left the Alabama heat for a cooler Minnesota. It was the 4th Annual Northern Gathering of the Trio of Declining Athleticism, or as we call it…Minnesota 4.0. 1 I look forward to these yearly treks like a kid looks forward to Christmas. It’s the only thing I do all year that is 100% about “me”. Just sayin.
And it should’ve ushered in the ultimate mental downshift. But not last year. I was anxious from the time I left home to when I landed in Minnesota. I stayed in an almost constant state of anxiousness that ebbed and flowed between a small trickle and the occasional full on assault, mostly a nighttime occurrence.
It’s like the enemy’s star minion wakes me up, then joyfully yells to the other minions, “Hey, he’s awake!” They all join in, dancing around, poking me with little minion sticks, and chanting in unison…“What are you gonna do?! What are you gonna do?! Fun times.
A quiet mind comes from walking with Jesus.
But if living has taught me anything, it’s that life leaves clues to remind me of other times I was mentally overwhelmed. Times I focused on the mountains in my life instead of The Chief Cornerstone, The Rock all mountains are ultimately crushed by, or against.
In the years since I gave my life to Christ, there have also been times when I looked at life’s storms that sprung up around me and the chaos they caused, yet I was calm and at peace on the inside. In the midst of it all, I could go about my day mostly unfazed, navigating it with…a quiet mind.
The ultimate factor in how well I handled those times came down to this: How was my daily walk with Christ? Was He the consistent priority in my life, or was it me? Was I seeking and fellowshipping with Him throughout my day? Was I checking the boxes I knew kept our relationship above water?
And to walk with Jesus we must do our part.
Truth is, last August and for many weeks before, I’d been slipping. I blamed it on summer and all that comes with it, but there was no denying that my “unquiet mind” was the result of a man who wasn’t spiritually “doing his part”.
The foundation of my relationship with Christ was compromised. The enemy had a foothold and invited reinforcements, throwing a party at my expense. And there I’d go…battling doubt, fearful of the future, anxiety out of check, a racing mind never shutting off, leaving me completely exhausted.
Last August reminded me of the importance of putting on my armor , plugging into the source of my peace, and living what I ultimately believe, each and every day. I had stayed in the boat but needed to get back to “doing my part”, and that’s just that. Lord, help me to focus, and please quiet my mind.
Get In The Boat. Do Your Part. Quiet Your Mind!
From Nose to Toes!
Shane Hale is a redeemed & re-purposed professional baseball player and former corporate sales executive. Shane, his wife Michelle, and their three sons live in Mobile, Alabama, USA, where he works as a Realtor. While seeking God’s plan for his life in the summer of 2014, God told Shane to start writing. Today he shares his faith to encourage and inspire others to seek His plan for their lives as well. Check out his blog at http://www.the1sixproject.com.
Footnotes: (1) The Trio includes me and my baseball brothers, Jason Alstead and Dan Ramirez.
Pictures: Banner: A Quiet Mind, photo by Shane Hale (2023). (1) Anxiety Attack, photo by WichM, Shutterstock. (2) Mountains, created by Fug4s, Getty Images/iStockphoto. (3) My Friend, This is a slightly edited version of the original painting by Helen Thomas Robinson, Havenlight.com.