The Reason & The Purpose
Ever watch the clouds passing overhead? Clouds are amazing things. They can look like mountains floating in the sky, so real you could reach out and touch them, so firm you could walk among their peaks and valleys. Yet they’re little more than heavy mist.
Tiny drops of water rise with heated air and form clouds. As they pass over cooler air, the clouds move up, out and beyond, pushing the droplets together until they become too heavy to remain in the sky. Then as rain they come down to the earth below.
The water makes its way into the soil and reaches seeds. The seeds begin to grow. Roots form and dig deep into the soil. A sprout works its way out of the seed and pushes toward the surface. Nourished by the sun, it reaches up toward the sky, blossoms, and bears food and shelter for others.
What was Jesus’ reason and purpose?
Heated air, drops of water, clouds, rain, seeds…there is a reason and purpose for their existence, all set in motion by a divine Creator. If the heated air does not rise, drops of water will not form clouds and there will be no rain. Seeds will not rise from the ground. And there will be no hope, no future, no life.
Such was the spiritual state of the world when the Jesus walked among the people. He taught them, healed them and cared for them. Then one dark day, He died. Hope, peace, even life seemed lost. But on the third day He rose from the tomb. What was the reason for His rising? What was the purpose?
The answer is simple, though we make it complicated, failing to understand its focus. The answer is very personal. You already know it, but it makes you uncomfortable to consider the depth of what it means for your life. Even as you read this, you can’t believe His reason and purpose could come down to one soul among billions scattered about this planet.
You are the core of what it’s all about.
He was with you when you struggled in school. He was with you when your friend left you. He was with you when your dream shattered and the time you failed, when you lost someone you loved, when you saw no hope, no future, no life. He has stood by you…waiting for you to stand by Him.
And He is with you now…watching as you read these very words…ready to walk, share and laugh with you. Ready to give you courage, patience, endurance, boldness, gentleness, kindness, and, above all, His love. You are the reason for His rising! And you rising to be with Him forever…is His purpose!
The reason I came down from heaven is to do the will of my Father who sent me. And His will is that I shall not lose a single one He has given me. For His purpose in me is that all who know and follow me shall have eternal life, and I will have them rise on the last day. 1
Ciloa Forever!
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa, an international ministry devoted to encouraging others and teaching them how to encourage one another. He is also an author and speaker. Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. Learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.Ciloa.org.
Footnotes: (1) This is a paraphrase by Chuck Graham of John 6:38-40.
Pictures: Banner: (1) New Life on the Serengeti, photo by Shawn Wegscheid, 2015, from “Plants on the Northern Serengeti”, Behance.net.