Yes, You Are Chosen
I’ve been watching a series named The Chosen, 1 and those two words have been bouncing around in my head for days now. It’s the story about the life of Jesus, especially His human nature, 2 and the calling of His original 12 disciples, with his disciples being “The Chosen”.
I don’t use the word fascinating often, but this series is fascinating, and interesting, on so many levels. To see Jesus portrayed as someone who, like us, gets hungry, tired, hot, aggravated…but also enjoys life and has a sense of humor…makes the story relatable.
Jesus recognizes the profound calling He has on his life, and executes that calling with unwavering Faith and obedience. And He does it in spite of what is going on within Him and around Him. It isn’t just fascinating and interesting…it’s also encouraging.
Take your place in God’s story.
The array of people Jesus assembled for His initial team…with such different personalities, economic realities and varying pasts…is amazing. You see, He needed all types of people to reach all people.
The great story began with the chosen disciples some 2,000 years ago. Today it has grown to include a cast of about 2.4 billion. The story continues to unfold day by day, and we are continually invited to be a part of that story…to take our place in that great story.
One of the most timely and powerful closing statements to a sermon I ever heard was this. Stop trying to write your story, and take your place in God’s story. Read that twice. It entirely changed how I viewed my walk as a Christian.
God has absolutely chosen YOU!
Centuries ago, 12 men stopped trying to write their story…literally dropped what they were doing, right where they were doing it…followed Christ, and took their place in God’s story. They were “The Chosen” when it came to the initial group of disciples.
But we are all called…and we are all chosen…to be a part of and play a specific, ever-evolving role in God’s great story as it continues to unfold.
So don’t look at your life as, “God might have a plan for my life and perhaps a role for me to play.” No sir, see it like this…“God absolutely has a plan for my life and He absolutely has chosen me, CHOSEN ME, to play a specific role in His great story!” Believe it, speak it out loud with authority, and abide in that today!
Get In The Boat! Do Your Part!
From Nose to Toes!
Shane Hale is a redeemed & re-purposed professional baseball player and former corporate sales executive. Shane, his wife Michelle, and their three sons live in Mobile, Alabama, USA, where he works as a Realtor. While seeking God’s plan for his life in the summer of 2014, God told Shane to start writing. Today he shares his faith to encourage and inspire others to seek His plan for their lives as well. Check out his blog at http://www.the1sixproject.com.
Footnotes: (1) The Chosen, created and directed by Dallas Jenkins, Loaves & Fishes Production, Angel Studios, Out of Order Studios. (2) There are many Bible passages about Jesus being fully human and fully God, such as John 1:1,14 and Romans 1:2-4. The Chosen does not ignore His nature as God but has a great portrayal of His human nature.
Pictures: Banner: Forever Chosen, John-3-16.org. (1) John 15:16, Jesus Calls, prayertoweronline.org. (2) HE CHOSE ME, Crossroad Fellowship, crossroadfellowship.org.