What Was It All For?
Each Easter in my mind I closely watch Jesus. He travels to Jerusalem, crying for those far from God. He eats one last meal with His friends, then one betrays Him. After horrible beatings, He struggles up the road to Golgotha. Mocked and spit upon, He hangs on a cross and dies. What was it all for?
Jesus wasn’t the first person to be crucified. He wasn’t even the first self-proclaimed messiah to be crucified. Others had come before…leading rebels against Roman captors…rousing the hearts of Jewish captives…boasting, “God with us.” And always failing.
Jesus was different. He did not lead rebels. He sought followers. He was not interested in the Romans. His battles were with His own people. He did not care to stir idle hearts. He wanted to fill them. He never boasted, “God with us.” He was…God with us. Yet He still died. What was it all for?
In all the years as Easter nears, my thoughts return to God’s own Son,
And as they dwell, I see Him well, erasing the stains from all I’ve done.
Paul wrote it was God’s good pleasure and design for His own full being to live within Jesus and through Jesus’ death, to reconcile all to Himself. 1 The key was raising Jesus back to life. If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. 2
If there were no resurrection, it makes sense that Paul’s preaching would be useless because he based everything on that event. But so would our faith…yours and mine. It would all be meaningless.
If Jesus is not alive…He has not conquered death and the punishment we deserve. If Jesus is not alive…He has not atoned for our sins and we remain under judgment. If Jesus is not alive…He was not who He claimed to be and could offer eternal life to no one. If Jesus is not alive…What was it all for?
Early on one special morn, before the warmth of light it gives,
The Son rises before the sun, and all creation shouts…HE LIVES!
But the resurrection is real! Jesus came back to life. He walked and talked. He ate meals with His friends. He shared and taught as He had before, appearing often over forty days…to more than five hundred people. The evidence is there. JESUS LIVES!!!
What was it all for? Have you figured it out? Since before creation, it has never been about the “what”. All that matters to our loving God is…the who. Who was it all for?
God moved heaven and earth for you. He revealed Himself so you would know Him. He explained how to live so you could walk with Him. He fully lived within Jesus so you would know how much He loves you. And through the resurrection, He showed you that eternal life—His gift for you—is real.
It was all for you. It has always been…for you.
Ciloa Forever!
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa, an international ministry devoted to sharing God’s encouragement and teaching others how to “encourage one another as long as it is called Today!” He is also an author, speaker, teacher, and encourager. Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. You can learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.Ciloa.org.
Footnotes: (1) Read Colossians 1:19-20. (2) Read 1 Corinthians 15:14.
Pictures: Banner: (1) The painting Jesus Christ Sacred Heart, painter unknown, meesho.com. (2) HE IS RISEN, image used widely, creator unknown.