Abraham, where are you?
…by Chuck Graham
When Beverly and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary, I have to say, I outdid myself. For about two years I had researched and planned. Then on our 39th anniversary, I took her out to dinner and sprung the surprise. We were going to New Zealand…the next year.
To say she was happy doesn’t quite do it. Let’s just say, people at other tables took notice. After calming a bit, she quickly scarfed down her dinner and finished off dessert. Why? Because we had to buy all the New Zealand travel guides at the book store…apparently.
The next year was all about saving money, talking to travel agents, adding a fourth week (seriously), changing my plans (because on the map Australia is only an inch away), and paying lots of money. For me, the experience was all quite new, exciting, and scary.
God has His own reasons, and doesn’t need ours.
The scary part was about going into the unknown. We never did trips like this and had never spent that kind of money. So, long before Beverly knew, I began praying. And God always made it clear that not only was this trip OK, it was something He wanted us to do.
But the peace I had was more about my reasoning, than God’s plan. And from the very first, that had to do with my Kiwi ministry buddy, David Tait.1 We had corresponded for years and now I could actually meet him face-to-face. But David wasn’t going to be there.
God had spoken to his heart. He and his wife Kathy sold everything, packed their bags, and moved to Kenya to serve the people there. David was 70-ish, an age when most kick back and enjoy grandchildren. Who would leave their homeland and move to a foreign land?
It’s impossible to follow God if we never move.
Well, there was that Abraham guy. When he was 75, God told him to leave his country, people, and family, and go to a foreign land.2 So he gathered up everything he owned, packed his bags, and left. Why? Because, like David and Kathy, he had faith in God.
New Zealand is a wonderful country, yet the Taits left. God sent them with a purpose, as He also did us. We met Kiwis, Moaris, and travelers from around the world. We told them of Ciloa, encouraged many there and back home, and were encouraged in return.
I once wondered if Abrahams still exist. Now I know. God’s plan is different for each of us, but we are all Abrahams, set apart to listen when He speaks and move when He says, Go! It may be to another country or to the neighbor next door. So, what are you waiting for?
Take care & be God’s,