It’s the Little Things
…by Diane Nobles
The wreath and ornaments made by children or grandchildren…maybe not glamorous, but they’re your treasures and you hang them every year.
The widow in church whose husband loved to cook…so in his memory she cooks a huge dinner for the whole church to enjoy.
Sending cards and prayers for comfort and support to those grieving a lost one, who are sick or in some despair…for they are your friends or family and when they hurt, you hurt.
Dropping by for a visit, calling to say hello, or sending a text…just because.
The deacon who planted trees so the fruit can be used for the traditional handing out of fruit bags to guests after the Christmas program…and having more than enough for children to give to local firemen and police officers.
Paying it forward for those behind you in the fast food lane, restaurant, or store…because God has blessed you and you want to give back.
Those who hurt so bad going through treatments for cancer or other illnesses…but still fill the pews at church because they are thankful for the blessing of one more day.
The parents, grandparents, family, and friends who, though exhausted, bring the children to church and practices and teachers and workers who are there for them…because
Jesus Loves The Little Children
, and they want the children to love Jesus, too.
Standing by the side of the road as a funeral procession passes and the realization hits you that no one is guaranteed tomorrow…so those Christmas decorations you really didn’t want to put up, yeah, you’re going to drag them out.
Visiting the graveside of a fallen military or law enforcement hero or laying a wreath…and quietly whispering their names so they won’t be forgotten.
During the Christmas and New Year Season we tend to be reminded of the
little things
we experienced the past year and these are just a few. For every little thing mentioned here, you, too, have done or are doing one or many. Why?
Because you went to the manger and claimed the “little one” as your own. You took Him and loved Him and still love Him. He taught you it’s better to give than to receive and you want to share His peace, love, joy, and hope with the rest of the world. He’s all grown up now, but He’ll always be the “little one” waiting to be claimed. It’s your little things that will make that happen. It’s your little things that make it a Merry Christmas all Happy New Year long.
Diane Nobles is a retired school teacher and an active member of Victory Baptist Church. Diane and her husband, Terry, live in Savannah, Georgia, USA. (Diane and Terry are also the parents of Tiffany Leavitt, Ciloa’s beloved Assistant Administrator who keeps us all in line.)
Pictures : Banner Shot, 1st Photo, and 2nd Photo by Diane Nobles; 3rd Photo by Jenny Fryer; 4th Photo by Tiffany Leavitt; and 5th Photo by Kathy Woodham.