How to Bring Peace in Our Turmoil
…by Janet Perez Eckles
Are you kidding?! “The aircraft reached its weight limit,” the airline agent said to those of us waiting at the gate. “We cannot board any more passengers.”
I knew the plane was small. But I also knew that per ADA regulations, they should have allowed me to board first (not that I’m special or anything, but blind and handicap folks usually hop in the plane first).
Secondly, a few hundred women were expecting my keynote message and I’d have to tell them I couldn’t arrive in time. Gulp.
This is NOT happening!!!!
That was my attitude. So I gave a prayer of thanks to the Lord. Thanking Him for seeing this glitch through His eyes. Calmness ruled my heart then. I knew it wasn’t about the obstacle, but all about God’s close observation of the situation. I trusted. I believed.
The agent made several offers for credit toward airline tickets, yet no one budged. But the final offer of $1,500 prompted one man to leave his seat. I smiled as I settled in that plane.
See? It’s not the situation we should get all worked up about. It’s about the power of God at work.
It’s all about our focus.
Life is like that. If we shift our glance and take in the whole picture, our personal world changes, our attitude shifts and our perception takes on a new angle.
That’s why when facing the pain of disappointment, the heartache of a lonely life, or the airplane of our dreams about to leave without us, it’s all about recovering our peace by taking one important step-changing our focus. So it’s about…
* Not the heartache shattering our world, but Jesus’ power that overcomes it1.
* Not the timing of His answer, but the reassurance He has heard our request2.
* Not the uncertainty of tomorrow, but the calm He provides today3.
* Not the confusion surrounding us, but the clarity we know in Christ4.
* Not the sadness that plagues us, but His promises that lift us up5.
* Not the weight of our burden, but what we will do with it6.
* Not the size of the problem, but the dimension of God’s power7.
* Not the task seeming too big to handle, but His presence at every step8.
* Not the sorrow that fills us, but the promise He will turn it to joy9.
* Not the turmoil in our storms, but His peace that will follow10.
Seeing the best of Life,
Though blind, Janet Perez Eckles continues to inspire thousands to see the best in life. She is an international speaker, writer, and #1 bestselling author of Simply Salsa: Dancing without Fear at God’s Fiesta. Her passion is to point others to Christ so they can walk under His light of victory. www.janetperezeckles.com .
1. Read John 16:33.
2. Read Psalm 34:17.
3. Read Philippians 4:4-7.
4. Read II Corinthians 5:15-19.
5. Read Romans 8:31.
6. Read Matthew 11:25.
7. Read Psalm 90.
8. Read Joshua 1:9.
9. Read Isaiah 61:3.
10. Read Mark 4:39.
Pictures: Banner: Peace, from The Personal Pursuit of Peace by Jason Hardin (2018), InGodsImage.com.