Get Them ALL!
…by Shane Hale
A few weeks back after wrapping up a shopping trip, I walked my empty cart to the return stall in the parking lot. As I turned to walk back to my vehicle, I noticed a couple of other carts close by. I grabbed those as well and put them in the stall, something I often do.
Then I noticed more errant carts that were not so close by. That’s when I heard it…a still, small voice I have learned to recognize. “Get those as well.” I paused a second, then walked over to the nearest two carts and took them to the stall. Then I paused. Longer this time.
The other carts were farther away. A different voice spoke up, not so still or small, and one I have also learned to recognize. “You didn’t leave them there. Your son is waiting in the truck. You had a long day at work. It’s starting to rain.” My response was easy. “I’m done here.” And I went home.
Didn’t take long to realize I had failed to finish what I was asked to do.
Fast forward a few weeks. Same parking lot. Almost closing time. Cold. Windy. Drizzling rain. I returned my cart to the stall and without a thought put away two that were abandoned conveniently close by. Then I noticed a large herd of carts scattered throughout the expansive parking lot. I paused.
Certainly would be easier to abandon them and go home. But o ut of the blue came that still , small voice . “Get them ALL! ” I quickly assessed current weather conditions and time required to complete the task. The other voice immediately kicked in, and reasons to go home rolled in.
Then I remembered my less-than-obedient “I’m done here”. So I walked the parking lot retrieving buggy after buggy and returning them neatly to the return stall. I even pulled the tangled mess out of each stall and straightened them, including the not-so-easy-to-maneuver flat beds.
Finished and back in my truck, I did not hear a booming voice say, “Well done Shane!” My immediate reward was very damp clothing, being cold, a few throbbing pinched fingers, and two stinging hands from handling the cold wet carts in forty-degree weather.
Thing is though, I didn’t do it for a reward. I did it to be obedient.
I have no idea why God asked me to put those carts away. But that simple act of obedience yielded positive results. Some employee definitely got a lighter work load. Perhaps he needed an answered prayer or more proof that God is looking out for him.
As for me, I fulfilled my assignment, and if God can trust me with little things, He can trust me with bigger ones. As for my calling to encourage others through writing, there’s another story of how God continues to work in my life.
But here’s the bottom line. We don’t have to know the “why”, we just have to trust Him. For no matter how small something may seem to us, God can use it to make a difference in this big world.
Get in the boat. Do your part.
From Nose to Toes.
Shane /#16
Shane Hale is a “redeemed & re-purposed professional baseball player” and former corporate sales executive. Shane, his wife Michelle, and their three sons live in Mobile, Alabama, USA, where he works as a Realtor. While seeking God’s plan for his life in the summer of 2014, God told Shane to start writing. Today he shares his faith to encourage and inspire others to seek His plan for their lives as well.
Check out his blog at http://www.the1sixproject.com .
Pictures: (1) Photo by Shane Hale. (2) Image created by BibleGodQuotes.com. (3) Image created by ourdailybreadcrumbs.com.