In January 2021, Ciloa welcomed Ann Chastain as our newest board member. We are grateful for her leadership and love for people. She brings a valued dynamic to our team and global experiences to serve the Lord through Ciloa.

Ann is a native of Atlanta, Georgia and has traveled to over 22 countries. Jordan, China, Serbia, Bolivia, Brazil, and Nepal are just a few of the countries where she has seen, first hand, the deep need for biblical encouragement and genuine care. When she learned Ciloa reaches over 150 countries a week, she was thrilled!

With energy and enthusiasm, Ann lives a life of encouragement as she goes about her daily life. From loving and serving the neighbors on her street to mentoring the next generation, she knows the value of encouraging others.

Professionally, Ann has invested her time in the Christian non-profit world. She began by working with Christian singer/songwriter Babbie Mason. Next she helped start Leading the Way with Dr. Michael Youssef, a global radio and television ministry based out of Atlanta, GA. Then for 17 years she facilitated the generous giving of hundreds of people to benefit the largest Christian radio and digital ministry in the world.

Today, Ann leads the Blessing Love Box…a ministry of encouragement to women in the United States who have been recently diagnosed with Bulbar ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease). A team of people compile and send large boxes filled with items that aid a variety of needs including: breathing, communicating, sleeping, eating through a feeding tube, and feeling loved. 

When it comes to partnering with Ciloa, she knows that everyone, everywhere needs encouragement every day. We are thankful the Lord has brought Ann to our leadership team!