Is There More?
So…Mark Twain, one of my favorite writers, once said: I can live for two months on a good compliment. I agree.
In our world there are too few encouragers, but I am thankful for those who have blessed me with kind words that have lifted me up.
The three words that have encouraged me most are simple but powerful, and often unexpected – Is there more?
A compliment can move us to do more.
When I submitted the first three chapters of my book to my editor, the sweetest words I ever read were: Is there more?
When I cook a special meal for the grandchildren, the most satisfying words I have ever heard were: Is there more?
When I am explaining a complicated idea to Darling Husband, his love for me comes in the form of the words: Is there more?
The greatest compliment – Is there more? More of my effort, more of my creations, more of me.
A great one can move us to be more.
The world is busy and we are all busy people. Our lives consume our time and the older we get, the more quickly our days are gone in a blur and a flash.
There is someone out there who needs more OF you. Someone who needs more of what you can give and who appreciates who you are and what you do. Be kind. Be gentle. Be generous.
There are also people who have been giving TO you. They are the ones in your life who need to hear that they are important and valuable. Be thankful. Be appreciative. Be vocal.
Take the time today to be more to someone. You might be surprised at just how long a good compliment can last.
Just saying,
KC Pearcey is a devoted follower of Jesus…a wife, a mom, a grandmother…a retired teacher with 40 years experience who spends her days traveling with Darling Husband, writing a series of cozy murder mystery novels, and planning a new series of books for young people, all while she looks for the miracles in everyday life.
Pictures: Banner: Encourage One Another Dailey, Hebrews 3:13, photo by Allison Naylor, WellWateredWomen.com. (1) An Encouraging Friend, from the article “An Encouraging Friend by Theresa Doyle-Nelson (5-5-2024), FranciscanMedia.org. (2) Encourage One Another and Build Each Other Up,1st Thessalonians 5:11, created by BibleVersesToGo.com.