Just Do It!
On May 17, 2024, Beverly and I headed off to Hilton Head Island, a beautiful place to unwind, get some rest, and visit with family and friends. 1 But this time would be different. The day after we arrived I received word that a dear friend had died. Then after we returned home, I learned another dear friend had died.
I’ve been thinking about them a lot lately and I came to a decision. I want to share them with you. Why? Because they, each in his own unique way, were the kind of people God has called us to be…ready to encourage those around them with the love of God. So here’s the first one…
When God moves, we must follow.
One day in 2016 I got a strange call. The man introduced himself and said he wanted to talk with me about Ciloa, encouraging others, and his hope to start his own encouragement ministry. Well, that was music to my ears. Never had someone contacted me about such things. 2
Curious, I asked how he knew about Ciloa. I Googled ‘Encouragement Ministry’ and Ciloa popped up. I had no idea there was actually a ministry focused on encouraging others. Then I went to your website, got your phone number, and called. By the way, where in the world are you located? 3
Not knowing where he was calling from, I replied, “We’re in the US and operate out of Metro Atlanta, Georgia.” Me, too! I live in Atlanta, he shouted. Over the next few minutes I learned we had also graduated from the same high school. 4 We have to meet! he said. And that’s how I met Larry Ham.
It was clear from the beginning that Larry had a deep desire to encourage others and bring them hope. He had a sincere, infectious, and unbridled enthusiasm, lacking only experience in leading and working within a ministry structure. So I offered him the opportunity to join Ciloa and learn from us. And he did.
For the next 3 years Larry led Ciloa’s fundraising and networking efforts, communicating with our donors and bringing in new ones. But he did much more…serving as a greeter at his church where he shook hands and hugged thousands of people each week, leading Bible studies and caring for the homeless, encouraging those battling cancer and others with Huntington’s Disease, and helping bring churches and Christians together to stand against racial prejudice, bigotry and discrimination. 5
When He gives us a task, just do it.
In 2019, Larry learned the Huntington’s Disease gene he carried throughout his life had finally caused the disease within him. 6 But he would not allow it to take away his dream. In that same year, Larry started his own ministry…Hope Overflowing in Atlanta, an encouragement ministry dedicated to bringing hope to the hopeless…and as he did with everything when it came to following God’s lead, he poured his heart, soul, and energy into it. And he did that every day for the next 5 years.
I am very grateful that God allowed us to meet and become close friends. We laughed together. We cried together. And we walked with God together. On May 18, 2024, at the age of 74, Larry passed from this earthly life to an eternal one, and I am certain he heard…Well done, my good and faithful servant!
Ciloa Forever!
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa, an international ministry devoted to sharing God’s encouragement and teaching others how to “encourage one another as long as it is called Today!” He is also an author, speaker, teacher, and encourager. Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. You can learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.Ciloa.org.
Footnotes: (1) Hilton Head Island is located off the coast of South Carolina, USA. (2) I have always been the one reaching out, hoping to find someone…anyone…interested in the command to Encourage one another. (3) In his excitement he had not noticed our location. (4) He was 4 years older than me and graduated before I had started attending the school. But I did know his brother. (5) Buckhead Church, an extension of North Point Church pastored by Andy Stanley, Atlanta Union Mission, Northside Hospital Women’s Center, The Center for Huntington’s Disease, and One Race. (6) Read Matthew 25:21.
Pictures: The Banner, first and second pictures were originally provided by Larry Ham. The final picture was posted in Larry Ham’s obituary notice, Fischer Perimeter Chapel. All photographers are unknown.