Do Life God’s Way
Not so long ago, the life path I had planned for myself went off-course. In a four year span I lost my job, my new business failed, a friend betrayed me, and there were family pressures and financial stress. I tried everything to “fix it” but nothing worked and God seemed nowhere in sight. Been there? There now?
As many know, Chuck is a big time hiker and told me hiking is enjoyable and refreshing, both physically and spiritually. 1 Well, I needed spiritual refreshment, to hear from God, and frankly, a little exercise wouldn’t hurt either. While I’m not a hiker, I knew Chuck and figured, How hard could it be? So off I went alone to the North Georgia mountains to figure life out. Here’s an entry from my journal about part of that hike, a little encounter with God, and a new respect for Chuck…
Walked the “Bear Den Trail” this morning. Didn’t see no bears – in fact, didn’t see anyone. Up around 6 am, I could see my breath. Some of the early risers in the campground have fires burning – I can smell them. The trip up the steep mountain trail was uneventful but tiring – saw a beautiful 50 foot waterfall – started cool but now I’m sweating – stopping too much for rest – wish I’d purchased those hiking boots. Wish I had a map too, this place is filled with trails.
To follow God, He must be the one leading.
I mention the many trails because God can teach you a lot while you’re on them. Case in point: Today – down the mountain on a different trail. This one headed around the mountain toward the tent and tepee area. I planned a short walk to the tepees and back to the cabin by way of the campground. For a while I could see my destination but soon – well, not so soon – the trail began looking less traveled and turned away from the campground.
Walking and thinking, I found myself asking “those questions” – Why me? What had I done wrong? Why weren’t my plans succeeding? Why didn’t God answer my prayers? While reading my Bible I “somehow” got stuck on, Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. 2 I realized I had been trying to do it MY WAY. And depending on and seeking God less, my faith waned and I had slipped into old patterns. So, I began picking out the sins, the wrongs, the disbelief in my life and confessing those.
So, what does this have to do with God and my nature hike? Well, by then I was a long way from the tepees and the cabin back at the campground. The trail was going the wrong way but I was determined to go my way. So I pressed on. Finally, on the other side of the mountain, God spoke – not audibly, but – well, see what you think.
And if God blocks your path, turn around.
The forest canopy was thick and dark overhead and the path grew faint. Then abruptly the trail ended. Not just stopped, but dead-ended! Several trees were down blocking the way. Swampland and high weeds were ahead…and there was no sign of the trail beyond. But I could see a snake in the water, mosquitoes and bugs everywhere, and hear unfamiliar sounds.
Standing there, a thought entered my head, This is how sin and repentance work. I got on the wrong trail! I didn’t really intend to, but I did and it was taking me away from where I wanted to be. Yet I still continued. I should have reversed course earlier but I stubbornly persisted, trusting that I could determine the right way. Now, at the end of the wrong trail, I had to decide – either turn around and go back to the right path or risk being lost.
Here’s my hiking life lesson: Do Life God’s Way! Trust Him! When you’re going the wrong way and find God blocking your path, Turn Around! Get back on the right path. The sooner the better. By the way, I did get back to camp…after turning around…three exhausting hours later…in the dark…my knee skinned and my feet aching. I am really NOT a hiker.
Take Care and Be God’s,
Hal Harris is a member of the Ciloa Board of Directors, having served in that capacity since 2004. He has also been an elder, teacher, Note Writer, and encourager. Hal and his wife, Brenda, live in Buford, Georgia, USA.
Footnotes: (1) In addition to being the Fearless Leader of Ciloa, Chuck Graham is an avid hiker. He and Beverly have hiked extensively on the Appalachian Trail in the Southern United States, throughout Georgia and in Alaska, California, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, as well as in Australia, New Zealand, and Scotland. (2) Read Proverbs 3:5.
Pictures: Banner: (1) Hiking Trail in the Woods, photo by Antranias (4-27-2016), Pixabay.com. (2) God’s Way (original title “Woods Path”), photo by jplenio, Pixabay.com.