Do You Really Pray?
I have come across multiple moments in the past year where I find the word pray or prayer being tossed around. It’s usually when someone is going through a hard time, or maybe it’s a last ditch effort when all worldly options have been exhausted.
Heck, I’ve even received messages with people saying, “I’m praying for you.” I usually have a pretty good read on whether it’s sincere or a manipulation tactic because they want me to change my opinion on something…and that’s not cool.
Honestly though, have you ever told or sent someone a message saying you’re praying for them? Now the bigger question. If so, did you really pause and take the time to be still, get quiet and talk to God? Did you really pour out your heart and pray in a sincere way?
Sometimes life doesn’t align with our prayers,
I know for me, I didn’t always, and surely you know others who didn’t always. Maybe it’s because we don’t know what else to say that might be comforting or encouraging. Perhaps we are unsure if praying is even effective. So out of habit we say, “I’ll pray for you.”
But what if everyone who muttered those words actually followed through? I know some of you are thinking, “Well, Ross, I prayed for this and look what happened.” “I prayed for that awful situation to be fixed and it wasn’t.” “How can I keep praying? Does God even hear me?”
I know. I’ve been there, too. I get that thought process. Sometimes life doesn’t align with our prayers. But based on what God has done in my life the past few years, I truly believe He does hear our prayers. I know for a fact my prayers and those of people praying for me over quite some time…were answered!
Or maybe it’s our prayers don’t align with God.
Day-to-day God is working…even in the not so glamorous areas of your life, even in the chaos. You just need to slow down and look. He may be working through other people, through you, or perhaps on you. Don’t miss what He has for you while you’re running through this life.
I am a big advocate of having a great work ethic, but don’t let that hustle blind you to the opportunities God has for you today. Slow down. Be still. And seek Him.
Love God, love people, stay positive and be great!
Ross Buckwalter grew up in Ephrata, PA, and knew the heavy burdens of life at an early age. After a professional baseball career, more burdens brought him to a breaking point in 2019, but God intervened and saved him. Today Ross spreads hope, joy and positivity…sharing how he can see God in the good, the bad, and the darkest of times. Ross lives in Lancaster, PA, has a son, as well as a daughter with special needs. Check him out on facebook.
Pictures: Banner: Seeking God, image created by ImagineGolf, Getty Images/iStockphoto. (1) In Need of Prayer, photo by Samuel Martins, Unsplash.com. (2) God Listens, photo by DDE, from Deborah Crawford and MothersforProdigals,com. (3) Transformation, from the Spring 2019 Letter “It’s About Transformation in Community” by Joel Woodruff, President of C.S. Lewis Institute, AdobeStock.