Change the World!
In seven days I had written about Grace, prayed for a baby named Grace, celebrated Christmas with Grace Fellowship Church, and even said Grace a few times. See a pattern? Grace had been on my mind. Here’s what God reminded me about Grace in the lives of those who follow Him.
There was a couple in New Zealand, David and Kathy, who God told to sell their business. He even brought the buyer. So they did, and David thought he would be in fulltime ministry forever. But God led him back into business, this time with a new direction…to help Africans by sending clothes and money to help them provide for themselves.
In time they had six stores. They were doing well despite a tough economy! God had blessed them…even as David worked for nothing and they lived off Kathy’s pay as a nurse. At one point they had sent 20 tons of clothes to Africa and had 4 more shipments ready to go. They also had a project in Uganda where pigs were given to villagers to raise for protein and income.
Many talk about grace, but few live it.
There was a lady in Florida, Patty, who at God’s leading was involved in many causes, especially those concerning children and orphans. She, too, was drawn to Africa…to help those suffering from the havoc AIDS had wrecked on so many lives.
Then she met, Traci, who introduced her to Nsoko, Swaziland. They went to that remote land and saw lives most of the world had forgotten. But the power and love of God shown through Patty and Traci. Hope and help arrived. And lives were changed…those of Nsoko as well as their own.
Many talk about God’s Grace but these people actually lived it. There was nothing self-serving. No “Hey look at me” about them. They were simply God’s children doing what God set out for them to do, and in the process they became examples of Jesus’ love for us all. But there’s another story about Grace, one that drives home how simple it truly is.
Value is not the expense, but the cost.
Christmas is a time to focus on Jesus’ birth, yet many worry about gifts. Will they buy or spend enough? Will the gifts be the latest and the best? For the jobless with little money, it can be tough. One year my son Matt had no job or money coming in, but he wanted to be part of our family’s Christmas Gift Swap. 1 So he took the only money he had…money given as a birthday present…and headed to a store.
There he found THE GIFT. It wasn’t religious or fancy, but had great meaning. You see, every year we watch A Christmas Story, a funny movie about Christmas in the 1940’s for a family that didn’t have a lot, but certainly had each other. 2 Matt’s gift was a nightlight in the shape of…well, it’s hard to describe. But for those who have seen the movie, think “Major Award”.
Before the Great Swap, Matt talked with excitement about his gift, never revealing what it could be. He was certain it would stir special memories. And he was right. We fondly remembered the times we were together laughing at that movie. But it also helped me remember the Grace of God…taking of his own to share something special with others. Matt did good!
His Grace calls us to change the world.
“God is requiring major change in His people at this time and it is our desire to embrace and share with others what God is doing”…David Tait, Walking With Jesus Ministries.—“I would receive a much greater gift in seeing the face of God’s love though their eyes”…Patty Maier, A Gift for Nsoko.—“I’m learning little by little that I can’t change the world, one world at a time…but I can change the world one life at a time”…Traci VanSumeren, The World Race.
God shared His Grace with us, and it’s time we share it with those who desperately need the love we carry. It may be in sharing where we live or in other lands. It may simply be with family and friends. But it is time.
Grace…Mercy…Love. Live it and change the world!
Ciloa Forever!
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa, an international ministry devoted to sharing God’s encouragement and teaching others how to “encourage one another as long as it is called Today!” He is also an author, speaker, teacher, and encourager. Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. You can learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.Ciloa.org.
Footnotes: The original version of this Note of Encouragement, May God bless you this day…to change the world!, was published December 28, 2009. (1) Well before Christmas, each person drew a name from a hat to determine who would receive his or her gift. Then they would get (or make) one low cost present to give as their surprise, in hopefully a meaningful way. No one knows who has their name until the gift is given. (2) A Christmas Story, 1983, Warner Bros., Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
Pictures: Banner: Old Dusty Road (Uganda), photo by Dennis Wegewijs, iStock. (1) Rural Development in Northern Uganda, phot by GIZ, giz.de/en/worldwide. (2) The AIDS Children of Swaziland, photo by Gideon Mendel, Corbis via Getty Images. (3) The Major Award, the leg lamp from the movie A Christmas Story, 1983. (4) No Greater Love, creator unknown.