Be Kind to Yourself
Recently I wrote a story titled Lord, Help Me. 1 The very next morning, I read a devotional about our shortcomings, our self-talk, and the example we leave for others to follow. The message ended in this short prayer:
Lord, in those moments when I am unkind to myself, help me to remember your infinite love for me.
There were those two words again…Help Me. …Affirmation of what I had written!
That devotional was timely, as I am often unkind to myself in my thoughts and words. The devotional accurately described a typical day in the life of Shane, shortcomings and all. But when I am unkind to myself, the prayer encourages me to ask God to help me remember His infinite love for me.
Our Father understands us! He gets us!
I don’t know why God has allowed the shortcomings I have. There’s my lack of focus, poor organizational skills, not finishing the simplest of tasks, and depression, just to name a few. But…He did.
Perhaps it’s because along with the struggles I often have in day-to-day life, He has also given me the courage to publicly share about my life—both the good and the not so good. Perhaps it’s in the hope that others will realize they are not alone, and it’s not just them who often feel broken.
We were created for a reason and purpose.
And perhaps in spite of it all…God loves us, and He gets us, because He designed us, each of us, for a reason and a purpose. I call out to God Most High who fulfills His purpose for me.2
So, as my friend Chuck Thuss often says…Be kind to yourself. And on those days when you’re not, say a little prayer, as the author of the devotional wrote: Lord, help me to remember your infinite love for me.
Then as I often say…
Get In The Boat! Do Your Part!
From Nose to Toes!
Shane Hale is a redeemed & re-purposed professional baseball player and former corporate sales executive. Shane, his wife Michelle, and their three sons live in Mobile, Alabama, USA, where he works as a Realtor. While seeking God’s plan for his life in the summer of 2014, God told Shane to start writing. Today he shares his faith to encourage and inspire others to seek His plan for their lives as well. Check out his blog at http://www.the1sixproject.com.
Footnotes: (1) Lord, Help Me was reprinted as a Ciloa Note of Encouragement, October 8, 2023 and can be read at www.Ciloa.org. (2) Read Psalm 57:2.
Pictures: Banner: Be Kind To Yourself, Shutterstock.com. (1) Can You Hear Me Now?, from “God Knows Our Weaknesses And Still Loves Us” by Rick Warren, October 25, 2018, PastorRick.com. (2) God Understands, from “God Knows Your Pain” by Zina Hermez, September 1, 2021, NotWithoutGod.net. (3) Psalm 57:2, from “God Fulfills His Purpose for me” by John Estorge, January 12, 2021, JohnEstorge.com.