God Went Silent
For the past few years since God invaded my heart, I could say I have felt very connected… most days. I was able to pull at what God put on my heart, follow His nudges, and rest in His indescribable peace.
And I started writing…about my experiences, how God was working in my life, and the impact it all has had on me. But then something happened. God went silent.
But a few weeks later He showed up in a gas station parking lot. So I wrote about it in a piece I titled God, Where You At? 1 And I thought to myself, “Ok, back in the groove!”
Is God silent because He’s mad at me?
But even after that I still struggled to write and sense His nudges. I thought, “Maybe God is on vacation or He’s mad at me for something I’ve done. Where am I going wrong?!?
Now fast forward. As per usual I’m sitting in church one Sunday, 2 listening to a message, when something clicked. The preaching was around prayer in a series called Honest To God.
As I sat there listening, something dawned on me. (Yes listening, not just going through the Sunday morning church motions like I’d done for years.)
It wasn’t about God. It was about me.
I had stopped talking to God. I’d gotten away from my early time in the morning with Him, being in His word. I wasn’t praying numerous times throughout the day, going to Him with everything and anything.
I guess I thought, “I’m good. God’s got my back.” So I got busy with life and kept on rolling.
Well, I quickly realized sitting there it wasn’t God going silent. I was the one who had gone silent. God doesn’t go silent. He is always there!
Love God, love people, stay positive and be great!
Ross Buckwalter grew up in Ephrata, PA, and knew the heavy burdens of life at an early age. After a professional baseball career, more burdens brought him to a breaking point in 2019, but God intervened and saved him. Today Ross spreads hope, joy and positivity…sharing how he can see God in the good, the bad, and the darkest of times. Ross lives in Lancaster, PA, has a son, as well as a daughter with special needs. Check him out on facebook.
Footnotes: (1). God, Where You At? appeared as a Ciloa Note of Encouragement on 08-20-2023. You can read it at www.Ciloa.org. (2) LCBC Manheim. LCBC (Lives Changed By Christ) is one church in multiple locations. Mine is located in Manheim, PA.
Pictures: Banner: Looking for God, from “The God-Shaped Hole” (4-3-2021), NewCovenantTreatment.com, Original Image: Man Standing on Brown Cliff, PickPik.com. (1) LCBC Manheim, the LCBC campus located in Manheim, PA. (3) God Is Not Silent, poster by @hertrueworth.