Hey, Father!
One Christmas day my grandson, Henry, was born and our world forever changed. Beverly instantly became the loving, doting grandmother…playing with Henry, talking with him in jabberese, always ready to sweep him up in her arms.
I did a bit of that, too. But I looked forward to when we could speak something that more resembled a known language, when we could play together, and go on hikes in the woods. At that point in our relationship, he mainly looked at me as though I were from Mars.
Henry is now 10 years old and I have a granddaughter, too…8-year-old Miss Violet. Sometimes they still look at me as though I’m from Mars, but they are also quite talkative. Through them I’ve found some of my greatest blessings…when I least expect and need them most.
We forget our Heavenly Father is with us.
One particularly frustrating day, I was rejected for the umpteenth time by pastors, ministers, churches, and ministries who saw no value in teaching their people how to encourage each other. So I turned off the light in my home office and drug myself upstairs.
After trudging all the way, I opened the door and stepped into the hall. As I walked toward the kitchen, I heard a loud, “Hey, Seanair!” 1 I turned around and there was Henry. Smiling from ear to ear, he was truly happy and excited to see me. Immediately my frustrations became a distant memory.
I think that’s how it is when we turn to God. He said He will always be with us, but we forget His promise. Often the demands and frustrations of the day get in the way. Sometimes—dare I say it—we even fail to notice He’s even there.
We should give Him as He has given us.
But when we do turn to Him, I believe a huge smile rushes across His face. His eyes light up. And He shouts, “Hey (insert your name here).” Our stress, fears, and disappointments fade as His joy fills us. And the world no longer has its tight grip on our hearts and lives.
I’ve experienced this. Have you? I hope so because life can be so hard. Making it from day to day, even moment to moment, can be such a struggle. Our world crashes down around us. And we forget Him…our Heavenly Father, our best friend, the light of our lives.
But this relationship is a two-way street, and we should give Him as He has given us. So every now and then, turn your spirit toward His and, with great happiness and excitement, let your heart shout out, “Hey, Father!” He will love it. I promise.
Father, you show me the true way of life and I am so happy to see you! 2
Ciloa Forever!
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa, an international ministry devoted to encouraging others and teaching them how to encourage one another. He is also an author and speaker. Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. Learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.Ciloa.org.
Footnotes: (1) Seanair, pronounced as Shenner, is Scotch Gaelic for Granddaddy. And yes, Henry and Violet actually call me Seanair. At first it sounded like Sinner, especially when Henry shouted it in public, but we’ve successfully moved beyond that. (2) Read Psalm 16:11, Acts 2:28.
Pictures: Banner: Father and Child, from the collection “Beautiful Sunrise Photos Delray Beach Florida, photo by Larry Richardson, RichardsonArtPhotography.com, RichardsonArtPhotographyStore.com. (1) Henry and Violet, photo by Mallory Daws, 2023. (2) Hebrews 13:5, creator unknown. (3) The Family Graham, photo by Cathy Graham, 2023.