It All Begins With a Word
So, here I go rambling again. You’d think it was Monday. I’ve been busy writing Book 5 of my Balfour mystery series. No. This isn’t an advertisement.
If you want to read my books, you probably already know about my books. If you don’t, then Book 4 will be published soon and we’ll talk again then.
I’ve just been thinking about life in general, and missing teaching more than I’d like to admit. (Not the grading … NEVER going to miss the red pens.)
Writing is a journey of discovering who we are…
I’ve written all my life — poetry, plays, essays, skits, novels. Always found that putting thoughts on paper helped me in so many ways, and always tried to convey that love to the students who came to me insisting they couldn’t or just wouldn’t like writing themselves.
This is an encouragement to you, whoever and wherever you are in your life. Write something today. A note. A journal entry. An email. A text. Send it to someone you love. Reach out.
Tell someone how special he or she is to you. Tell someone something you’ve always meant to say. Tell someone what they’ve done for you.
…and a guide leading to who we can become. 1
I wanted to write a novel since I was ten years old. But I didn’t begin for over fifty years to make that dream come true because I thought I’d never have the time or the patience.
If I’d only realized what I’d always told my students — a book begins with a chapter, a chapter begins with a paragraph, a paragraph begins with a sentence, a sentence begins with a verb.
Don’t wait. Don’t be me. Be a writer today. All you need is a verb.
Just saying,
KC Pearcey is a devoted follower of Jesus…a wife, a mom, a grandmother…a retired teacher with 40 years experience who spends her days traveling with Darling Husband, writing a series of cozy murder mystery novels (check out Dreamcatcher Secrets at https://amzn.to/3NgsFwi), and planning a new series of books for young people, all while she looks for the miracles in everyday life.
Footnotes: (1) From an essay by Chuck Graham, Power of the Written Word, 1971.
Pictures: Banner: (1) Woman Writing in her Journal at the Beach, photo by Kasper Ravlo, 123RF. (2) . (3) .