The Voice of God
I knew the day would come. For years my reply when others spoke in my general direction was, “What?” I often had the same response after they repeated what they had just said. Then they would wave me off with a quick, “Never mind.”
Somewhere along the way I convinced myself that I was just incredibly focused on whatever I was doing at the time…or they were mumbling…or were not facing me…or had not gotten my attention…or anything other than it was my hearing.
Recently I was tested and discovered I have the hearing ability of a brick. 1 Well, not that bad, but I do have severe hearing loss (the graph looked like someone falling off a cliff) and tinnitus (ringing in my ears), all of which become worse with background noise. The problem, it seems, was me after all.
God will always seek and get our attention.
There is a tragic side effect of poor hearing. After all the “Whats?” and “Never minds”, it becomes easier to simply ignore others when they speak. But as we grow comfortable with ignoring them, in time we can forget the sound of their voice.
I have seen that happen among Christians. God tells us to do something that makes us uncomfortable. So we act as though we did not hear Him. He tells us again, but we ignore Him. Soon we do not hear Him, not because He is not speaking, but because we no longer recognize His voice.
Still, God will get His people’s attention. Jacob suffered a serious injury. Moses saw a burning bush. The Israelites wandered 40 years. Israel fell into exile. Zechariah lost his voice. Paul became blind. God does not say “Listen and understand”, then do nothing when we fail.
Those who follow Jesus hear His voice. 2
The world is filled with noise, and often it can be difficult to hear God. But it is never impossible. He gave His Word to teach us, He sent His Son to lead us, He brought His Spirit to speak to us…every moment of every day. We have only to hear and follow.
God chooses how to speak to each person. For some, through thunder. For others, a gentle whisper. But for all who know Him and follow Him, He speaks to the heart with love, gentleness and kindness.
Do you hear God when He speaks? Do you recognize His voice? Or have you been ignoring Him? Remember…it’s never too late to listen. For through Jesus, even the deaf hear. 3
Ciloa Forever!
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa, an international ministry devoted to encouraging others and teaching them how to encourage one another. He is also an author and speaker. Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. Learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.Ciloa.org.
Footnotes: Footnotes: (1) I have to admit this occurred only after much pleading by my loving wife Beverly. (2) Read John 10:27. (3) Read Matthew 11:2-5.
Pictures: Banner: (1) Man with Hearing Horn, FortNisquallyFoundation.org, Tacoma, WA. (2) Ignoring Others, creator unknown, from an article published by GreatSeniorLiving.com, 2-24-2022. (3) John 10:27, from “Learn to Hear with Your Heart”, by John-Marmion Villa, 5-8-2022, 4lpi.com.