Peace Like This
One August I traveled north to escape the brutal Alabama heat, decompress and do a whole lotta “nuthin” for a few days. I met up with some friends and headed to a lake about as far away from civilization as you can get.1 It was downright awesome and peaceful on a whole other level.
I realized this “other level peace” my second day there. I stayed in an RV2 and that morning noticed the windows were open…and had been since I arrived. But it was so quiet outside that I had heard absolutely nothing and slept soundly.
No cars. No trains in the distance. No dogs barking. No strange wilderness sounds. I mean…nothing…for two entire nights. That’s peaceful.
God brings His Indescribable Peace with Him.
This year, for what has become an annual August Guy Trip, I had a layover in Chicago. As I sat at the gate waiting for my next flight, I heard an announcement that there would be a non-denominational church service in the chapel at 10:00. My flight didn’t leave until 11:45 so I figured, why not.
Off I went to find the chapel, which was conveniently located right around the corner, and one floor up. As I boarded the elevator, a fella stepped on with me. Turns out he was the pastor, Thomas Johnston. He escorted me to the chapel, we talked briefly and he excused himself to prepare for the service.
Alone in that small room, separated from the chaos of Concourse C, I could have heard a pin drop it was so quiet. I soaked up the silence. Then God showed up and that indescribable Peace He brings with Him filled the room. I closed my eyes and leaned into it.
Nowhere in the world can you find Peace like that.
Peace was what I needed most. I had been through a chaotic 24 hours. God knew this. Perhaps that was the reason for the chaos…the complete rerouting of my schedule the prior day to bring me right there…to show and remind me of His Peace vs. the world’s peace…in the most unlikely of places.
Here’s the thing…There are places in this world that offer us peace. Your places may differ from mine. But there is no describable peace this world has to offer that can compare to the indescribable peace that only The God Of The Universe can provide. (Read that twice)
The most peaceful moment I experienced was not on a deck overlooking a lake or watching a sunrise in the wilderness. It was in a small chapel in one of the busiest airports in the world.3 You may search, but you can’t find Peace like that from anything in this world. (Read that twice, too)
Get In The Boat! Do Your Part!
From Nose to Toes!
Shane Hale is a redeemed & re-purposed professional baseball player and former corporate sales executive. Shane, his wife Michelle, and their three sons live in Mobile, Alabama, USA, where he works as a Realtor. While seeking God’s plan for his life in the summer of 2014, God told Shane to start writing. Today he shares his faith to encourage and inspire others to seek His plan for their lives as well. Check out his blog at http://www.the1sixproject.com.
Footnotes: (1) My baseball brother and friend, Jason Alstead, has a family spot on a lake in Nevis, Minnesota. (2) An RV is a Recreational Vehicle. (3) O’Hare International Airport serviced more than 54 million passengers in 2021.
Pictures: Banner: Peace, Like This, photo by Shane Hale. 1st: Superior National Forest, Minnesota, USA, CruiseAmerica.com. 2nd: O’Hare Airport Interfaith Chapel, photo by Susan, PathTo138.com. 3rd: John 14:27, created by The Wind…Hope and Encouragement, 2-22-2022, TheWind.radio