What Did The Angels Think?
So…I had a random thought this morning. I know, you’re thinking I don’t have any other kind of thoughts. That’s okay, too. I was thinking about what was going on in Heaven while Jesus was being beaten and crucified.
I mean, we know from Scripture what was going on down here on earth with the believers. People were crying, denying, betraying, forsaking, with a thousand and two emotions in between.
Maybe, except for Mary, none of them had any certainty that Jesus WAS who He said He was…the actual Son of God. We can’t be sure even Mary could see the whole Plan.
Life always has times of wonder and doubt…
But the angels who watched from Heaven…I wonder about them. Was there an angel who asked, “Seriously, is all this REALLY necessary? Isn’t there another way?” Maybe there was an angel who thought, “THIS is the Plan? What kind of Plan is THIS? I could come up with a better plan!”
Was there an angel who said, “Hey, we’ve got the mightiest army ever created…we could show those Romans and pious Jews a thing or two about control. Why not?” Or did an angel wonder, “Weren’t we just rejoicing over a baby in Bethlehem? What happened, God? Why did You let it come to this?”
Was there even an angel who thought, “God SAYS He loves His Son…but this doesn’t look like He does at all. How can He just sit and watch while this happens? I would do something if I were God.” I wonder.
For faith and trust cannot grow without them.
I wonder, especially when things are happening to me and around me. The angels KNEW the end of the story. But I wonder if God is looking down and reassuring ME that He knows and He cares. That three days seemed like a long time to the earthly believers…but there are no clocks in Heaven.
I try to understand. I want to understand. Maybe the Plan is just too big for my feeble brain and instead of giving me understanding, He’s asking me to have faith…to trust and obey…to do what Jesus did.
Maybe that’s what it really means to be like Jesus. He asked if there was another Plan, too. But God said, “No.” Hmmm. Trust and obey.
Just saying,
KC Pearcey is a devoted follower of Jesus…a wife, a mom, a grandmother…a retired teacher with 40 years experience who spends her days traveling with Darling Husband, writing a series of cozy murder mystery novels (check out Dreamcatcher Secrets at https://amzn.to/3NgsFwi), and planning a new series of books for young people, all while she looks for the miracles in everyday life.
Pictures: Banner: (1) The Sorrowing Soul between Doubt and Faith, a painting by Elihu Vedder. (2) KC Pearcey, photo by Steve Glass, Steve Glass Photography.