You are Special! Special, I say
One day I was reading a devotional about a generous woman trying to give her friend a nice heirloom gift. It was antique furniture that was very dear to her. But the friend didn’t feel worthy enough to receive it. “I can’t accept this.” “Well, why not?” the woman replied.
Thoughts raced in the friend’s head. Because I’m often not a great friend. I scarcely have a moment to share. I forget important dates. I pray for you with all that I am, but then get caught in the whirlwind of life and forget to check in.
Honestly…as I read this it sounded like she was describing Shane Hale’s daily Life and Faith Walk. I have good intentions galore but in reality there’s just shortcoming after shortcoming after shortcoming.
We should live lives worthy of Jesus’ calling. 1
I see birthdays and anniversaries I should recognize but fail to. I don’t invest the time needed to grow a lot of close relationships. I over-commit and under-deliver because it is hard for me to say no to anyone. So I get overbooked and spread thin. I could go on.
And that’s just the worldly stuff. I could write another list of shortcomings when it comes to my Faith and the things I should do, but so often don’t. I’m sure the unworthy friend in the story could have gone on and on about her shortcomings, just like I could go on and on about mine.
Back to that gift. The unworthy friend finally says, “It’s too special.” The generous woman smiles at her friend and says, “Nonsense…you are special.”
Yet no one is worthy of the life He gave for us. 2
The thing is, the generous woman knew of her friend’s shortcomings. But she loved her anyway. And that’s just like God. He knows ALL of our shortcomings, and yet He loves us anyway.
Regardless of our faults, flaws, failures and shortcomings, we are still His most prized possession and greatest creations. Read that twice. Read that ten times if you need too. Every word is true!
Know this. God loves us…in spite of us. So give yourself a break today and….give others a break, too. We all need one from time to time.
Get In The Boat. Do Your Part.
From Nose to Toes!
The original YOU ARE “SPECIAL” – Special I Say!! was published by Shane Hale on February 5, 2021.
Shane Hale is a redeemed & re-purposed professional baseball player and former corporate sales executive. Shane, his wife Michelle, and their three sons live in Mobile, Alabama, USA, where he works as a Realtor. While seeking God’s plan for his life in the summer of 2014, God told Shane to start writing. Today he shares his faith to encourage and inspire others to seek His plan for their lives as well. Check out his blog at http://www.the1sixproject.com.
Footnotes: (1) Read Ephesians 4:1. (2) Read Romans 5:8.
Pictures: Banner: Antique secretary writing desk in dark room by Reimar Gaertner. (1) Romans 3:23, bibleversestogo.com. (2) Romans 5:8, primobibleverses.com.