Is That My Father?
Way back in 1984, when my hair was brown and I had a beard, my beautiful bride and 3-year-old son (Beverly and Chase if you take notes) went to the grocery. Before leaving, we all hugged and I waved as they headed down the road.
On reaching the store, Beverly put Chase in a shopping cart and off they went down the aisles. Then my son noticed a man nearby. His hair was brown and he had a full beard. Chase pointed at him and loudly asked, “Is that my daddy?”
Beverly quickly replied, “No, your daddy’s home. Remember? We just left him.” But alas, on every aisle he saw the man and asked, “Is that my daddy?” Each time Beverly assured him, “No!” and that he would be seeing him very, very soon.
Those who seek God will find Him,
Have you ever seen something and wondered if it was of God. Maybe it was some overwhelming kindness or profound judgement, a beautiful sunrise or gentle rainfall. Were you certain it was Him, or hoping it was?
Maybe you heard something. A sermon or prayer, a hymn or song. Perhaps even a call for action or movement for change. “Is that my Father?” Were the words His or just what you wanted to hear?
“Is that my Father?” The answer is simple and difficult. Simple because all we need do is seek Him and we will find Him. Then it will be clear if “that” was our Heavenly Father. But seeking can be difficult, taking much time and effort.
And He loves those who love Him.1
God loves us as His children and wants us to love Him thoroughly and intimately. Remember when Chase asked, “Is that my daddy”? He was confused by appearances. But when he saw me, he knew who I was and ran into my arms.
God never wants doubt or confusion. He calls us to learn about Him and know Him well. After all, that’s a large part of what the Bible is about. It isn’t a history lesson. It’s the story of God and His love for us, even when we didn’t love Him back.
I encourage you to go beyond appearances. Get to know your Heavenly Father. Become friends with His son. Be the light of His Spirit. You will find a life filled with His love, mercy, and forgiveness. And you’ll never again ask, “Is that my Father”.
Ciloa Forever!
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa, an international ministry devoted to encouraging others and teaching them how to encourage one another. He is also an author and speaker. Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. Learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.Ciloa.org.
Footnotes: (1) Read Proverbs 8:17.
Pictures: Banner Photo: From The Fatherhood of God, Jericho Walls International Prayer Network. 1st Photo: Child in a Shopping Cart, 123RF.com. 2nd Photo: Jeremiah 29:13, theLifebook.com. 3rd Photo: From How can we face challenges with courage?, seeyouinheaven.life.