Choosing Redemption Over Regret
For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death. 1 The word set out for us to ponder today is regret. I get that word. I know it. I’ve known it and have held it or rather…IT has held me.
And I think that is the conclusion I’ve come to regarding regret. It can be a learning tool in our hands or it can be a tool in the hands of the enemy used against us. If we live under regret, then we allow the enemy to make us slaves to guilt and shame.
However, if we choose to take hold of regretful choices as a tool for productive growth under the supervision of the Holy Spirit, then we become overcomers. As is said in Revelation of the martyrs, we conquer the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. 2
Lingering regret steals the joy of our salvation.
On my faith journey, the eyes of my heart have focused on the wonderful life-giving words of King David. He had some serious regrets after taking a woman who was not his wife, then killing his faithful servant (her husband) to cover the tracks of his adulterous sin.
He thought he could hide his guilt and shame from God’s sight just as Adam and Eve thought they could hide theirs. After David’s confession and repentance, he ran toward God out of hiding and cried out for mercy. Then he asked for a way to use his sin as a tool of productivity:
Restore to me the joy of your [redemption], and uphold me with a willing spirit. Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you. 3
Learning from regret helps us disciple others.
I have plenty of regrets. However, I’m learning to take hold of each one as a tool of learning and productivity…as training under my Father’s loving and forgiving guidance. He will not take His Holy Spirit from me — my Teacher and Comforter.
No, as I take responsibility for every choice, my Father teaches me how to turn regret into an opportunity to train another. It’s a beautiful exchange. I won’t live under regret. I will hold it out before my Father and ask Him to make it a tool by which I will disciple others even as He disciples me.
What regret could you hold out to your loving Father today and exchange it for a productive tool of discipleship for someone else?
Eyes on Jesus… you’re shining!
Lisa Brittain and her husband, Randy, live in Lilburn, Georgia, with their three puppies…Nole, Liberty, and Victor. Follow Lisa’s blogs and current events at EyesOnJesusAndShine. And check out her book, 31 Days of Gleaning with Ruth—Questioning My Way Through a Famine Season, available now on Amazon.com.
Footnotes: (1) Read 2 Corinthians 7:10 ESV. (2) Read Revelation 12:11. (3) Read Psalm 51:12-13 ESV.
Pictures: Banner: . (1) Christine Miller, alittleperspective.com. 2nd & 3rd Photos: Unknown.