Prince of Peace
Ciloa is a bit different. After 24 years, we still have no buildings, no offices. Only two employees. Yet God has worked through Ciloa to reach millions around the world. Even in 2020 He added another million. God has done what people cannot.
Encouraging others is the key to deeply loving God and each other. So we encourage people and teach them how to encourage others. Want a strong church, ministry, community, or home? Learn to encourage one another, then do it!
But few understand. And that’s clear in the Christmas Season. Presents outweigh neighbors. Traditions replace worship. Parties surpass prayer. It’s easy to be overwhelmed in the chaos, not realizing we have the peace we long for.
The Messiah is the Sovereign of Peace.
Isaiah mentioned peace when he wrote of the Messiah. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.1 I especially like the title…Prince of Peace. But it may not mean what you think.
The original words are sar-Shalom. Shalom is rooted in the idea of safety, an inward peace beyond all our understanding. The other word is sar. Though often translated as prince, it’s actually broader, including leader, chief, and ruler.
Even when the King James Version of the Bible was published in 1611, prince had a broader definition. Not confined to a son or heir of royalty, the word was commonly used to refer to the chief authority, the king, and the sovereign ruler.
He is peace to all who follow Him.
So for Isaiah, the Prince of Peace is that one and only leader, authority, sovereign and king who would embody peace. He would not bring peace. He would BE peace. He Himself would be the assurance of safety from eternal harm.
That is important to know when we think of Jesus this time of year. Did He bring peace? No, He said He had not.2 And we know this! Look around. Throughout the world there is sorrow, hatred, and evil. It has been this way since the Garden.
But one night long ago, to us a child was born, to us a son was given.3 It was good news of great joy for all people…a Savior was born…Christ the Lord…Peace on earth…to live in us and us in Him.4 God did what people could not. Understand?
Merry Christmas! Ciloa Forever!
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa, an international ministry devoted to encouraging others and teaching them how to encourage one another. Also an author and speaker, Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. Learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.Ciloa.org.
Footnotes: (1) Read Isaiah 9:6b. (2) Read Luke 12:51. (3) Read Isaiah 9:6a. (4) Read Luke 2:10-14.
Pictures: Banner Shot: One Dark Night in Bethlehem, creator unknown. (1) From For Unto Us Is Born, a craft created by Sharon Sudduth, sharonsudduthart.com.