When God meets our Greatest Needs
…by Janet Perez Eckles
My husband and I try, really try, to face the current world’s situation with faith, deep hope and calmness. Recently we went to the grocery store and, with a cart-full of food, stood in line longer than normal. As we waited, a customer complained to the cashier.
“You mean I don’t get a refund for my membership?! And you won’t refund me for the items I returned and for the time I spent coming back. And…” Her hand balled up in a fist, and I am sure the entire store could hear her.
But before judging her character and criticizing her attitude, I had to evaluate my own episodes of complaining.
Ever question God when life is too much?
At times when the nightly news paints gloom all over, I want to ask, Why Lord? You mean those of us who believe in You, serve You, and trust in You have to endure these painfully uncertain times? When will You show us a solution, Lord?
But in the midst of my complaining, I find relief knowing I’m not alone. David did the same thing. In Psalm 771, he lists his questions when he felt cheated by life, abandoned by God and surrounded by attacks from all sides.
* Will God never show his favor again?
* Has His unfailing love vanished forever?
* Has His promise failed for all time?
* Has He forgotten to be merciful?
* Has He in anger withheld his compassion?
Who do you trust in uncertain times?
David knew the answers…and so do we. Of course God knows the outcome. Certainly He sees the details. And because He does, He sustains those who suffer, who cry out, and He shields those who trust in Him.
That’s why, no matter how anxious you feel, how high your level of fear or worry, you can follow David’s example in Psalm 77. He’s a bit flawed like us. But once he pours out his complaints before God, he knows the truth that will shine light into the moment’s gloom.
* I will remember the deeds of the LORD.
* Yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
* I will meditate on all your works.
* And consider all your mighty deeds.
Our challenge is not to prepare for the worst, but to remember…constantly and boldly…how God is able to bring peace, calm the storms, restore what is broken, heal the sick and renew our hope.
Let’s Pray…Father, thank You that Your power is greater than anything that attacks us. You are mightier than any human setback. And You perform the greatest miracles in the midst of our greatest needs. Teach me to live in hope of the best yet to come. In Jesus’ name!
Remember what God has done in the past to refresh your hope for tomorrow.
Though blind, Janet Perez Eckles continues to inspire thousands to see the best in life. She is an international speaker, writer, and #1 bestselling author of Simply Salsa: Dancing without Fear at God’s Fiesta. Her passion is to point others to Christ so they can walk under His light of victory.
To find more encouragement from Janet, check out her blogs at www.janetperezeckles.com.
Footnotes: (1) Read Psalm 77.
Pictures: Banner Photo: Windabout Lakes, Australia, original by Michael Milverton on Unsplash. (1) Alone in the Desert, original photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash. (2) I Will Remember The Works of the Lord, creator unknown, from Lakeview Baptist Church, Pembroke, KY, Facebook.