To be the Children of God
…by Chuck Graham
Finally the day had arrived. And not just any day. For today my grandson would graduate from…..wait for it…..kindergarten. Henry looked quite dapper in his specially chosen outfit. And now with his light blue cap and gown, well, let’s just say he was very excited.
Like Moses parting the Red Sea, Henry led the children down the aisle between waves of moms and dads, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, friends and neighbors, all positioning for that perfect picture of their loved one entering the promised land of higher education.
The children were solemn…until they reached the stage. Then, one by one, they began to wave to their parents, families and friends. Most were subtle, as if they were breaking a Commandment, others more like celebrities waving wildly to their smiling fans who waved right back.
When was the last time you waved to God?
That got me thinking. We who follow Jesus are called children of God. But do we ever wave to our Heavenly Father? Is it okay to sometimes break out of solemn rituals and wave to Him, however that might be individually expressed? (I tend to quietly smile and nod.)
Turns out Jesus had a lot to say about children. They hold the key to entering the kingdom of heaven. 1 They show us how we should be toward our Heavenly Father…humble, trusting, believing, and loving…wanting to be with Him and rushing into His arms. 2
Anyone behaving like such children would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 3 And when they came, He did not turn them away. 4 He welcomed them, hugged them, and got more than a little irritated at those who tried to hold them back or demand they follow protocol. 5
When we wave to God, He always waves back.
When it came to Jesus, many adults were merely curious, sometimes afraid, and often demanding. But children simply wanted to be with Him. They even followed Him into the temple where he was hated and they openly praised Him as the Messiah. 6
In my mind I see children watching as Jesus teaches and heals those around Him. When He notices, they wave to Him…some subtly, some wildly. Jesus smiles lovingly to them, waves right back, and opens His arms for them to rush to Him.
Jesus said that unless we change and become like children, we will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 7 So what about you? Want that joy of simply being with Jesus? You can have it, you know. Just become a child again. Then all you have to do is…wave.
Take care & be God’s,
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa, an international ministry devoted to sharing God’s encouragement and teaching how to encourage one another. Also an author and speaker, Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. Learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.Ciloa.org .
Footnotes: 1. Luke 18:16… 2. Matthew 18:3… 3. Matthew 18:4… 4. Matthew 19:14… 5. Mark 10:14… 6. Matthew 21:14-15… 7. Matthew 18:2-3
Pictures: Banner: Henry’s Graduation, photo by Beverly Graham; (1) Children of Armenia by M. Sim, from “Snapshots of Progress in 2013”,pureearth.org. (3) Children 0f Africa, photographer unknown.