…by Janet Perez Eckles
A while back when I was writing novels, I was stuck, really stuck. In writing a story, I ran into a wall of nothing. My creative flair had reached a dead end. I tried to add spice to a scene I was crafting and had nothing but blank thoughts!
The only thing to do was to push myself away from my desk. So, I hopped in the shower to get ready for my weekly prayer meeting at church.
A friend picked me up, and on the way, I thought, “Maybe this time away from writing, maybe God will give me the wisdom and creativity to finish the scene.”
Like a summer thunder in Orlando, the thought clapped in my head and the notion struck me. I realized my error, my huge mistake, my bizarre blunder. I’d leaned on a maybe God for help. Why would I think that? Is the God of the universe-a faithful Lord of power, compassion and mercy-a maybe God?
I pressed the delete key in my mind and promptly erased the maybe notion. I’m not a maybe believer, but a for sure child of God. A daughter of the King who counts on certainty, assurance, confidence and security in Him. When I came home, the scene I needed to write flooded my mind with ease.
You may not be writing a novel, but jotting down your sadness with tears instead. Perhaps you’re facing a blank page with no solutions. A health diagnosis with no promises of healing. Or a relationship that ended in sorrow.
Whatever the burden, uncertainty or emptiness, God is not a maybe God.
But from now on, when shaken by life’s ugliness, know that the beauty of God’s mighty abilities triumph. His supernatural power conquers. His timing is never less than perfect. His love chases you night and day. His restoration…complete and rich…is yours as you sit still in the waiting room of patience. His Word dispels lies and whispers truth to your spirit.
These aren’t traits of a maybe God…but a nothing-is-impossible-for-Him God. That’s why, as you read this, He’s speaking to you, Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. 1
Let’s pray: Father, thank You for removing my “maybe” mentality and embracing Your emphatic “yes” promises instead. In Jesus’ name, amen.
How deep is your confidence in God’s ability to resolve your burden?
Seeing the best of Life,
Though blind, Janet Perez Eckles continues to inspire thousands to see the best in life. She is an international speaker, writer, and #1 bestselling author of Simply Salsa: Dancing without Fear at God’s Fiesta. Her passion is to point others to Christ so they can walk under His light of victory.
This is a condensed version of the original work, “True confidence is only possible if you take this step”, published April 26, 2019. To read the entire version, go to Janet’s website at www.janetperezeckles.com.
1. See Isaiah 41:10, NKJV.
Pictures: Banner: Maybe God, adapted from Maybe God Podcast, maybegodpod.com. (1) Confidence In God, creator of image unknown. (2) Isaiah 41:10, creator of image unknown.