Get Out Of The Boat!
…by Chuck Graham
Waiting for The Wind…and other things 1 is an excellent article by Lisa Brittain2, a Ciloa author. Through the imagery of a sailboat, she captures the truth of faith and hope that come from Jesus as He steers our ship through waters of doubt and fear.
Think of a sturdy boat sailing a glassy sea on a bright, sunny day. Having faith and hope is easy. Then a dark, violent storm comes with great waves crashing into our boat. That got me thinking. How can faith and hope carry us through our darkest night?
Remember when Jesus fed the five thousand? Immediately after, He made the disciples get in a boat and go on ahead without Him.3 Evening was near, a dangerous time to cross the Sea of Galilee. But still they obeyed, unfurled the sail, and set off.
Get in the boat.
Shane Hale4, another Ciloa author, ends his writings with “Get in the boat.” It’s a great reminder to obey Jesus, do what He tells us, and truly follow Him…even when we may not want to. The disciples knew the risk, but they were committed to Jesus.
When we follow God, every day is sunny. Right? Maybe not. Between 3 and 6 a.m., the disciples had doubts about their decision. Darkness covered them. Vicious, unseen waves battered the boat. They gave up the sail and rowed against a mighty wind.
The disciples panicked. With a sail, the wind’s power could have moved them through the oncoming gale.5 Yet they chose to rely on their own strength. And though they fought and strained, no one can row against the wind in high seas.
Wait for the Wind.
We do that. When the day is bright and sunny, we have all the faith in the world. Then storms enter our lives and all is dark. The Holy Spirit…the Wind of God…comes to help us.6 Yet we panic, not sure of what we hope for or certain of what we do not see.
The disciples surely called on God to save them. But when He appeared walking on the water, they were terrified. They wanted their sunny day and calm seas. Instead the storm raged on. Then Peter, seeing his Lord, ran on the water toward Him.
He would have made it, too, had he not taken his eyes off Jesus. Even in the midst of the storm and thrashing waves, Peter was safe…until he looked away. His attention drifted and Jesus was no longer the center of Peter’s focus. His circumstances were.
Get out of the boat.
Often we concentrate on Peter’s doubts and find failure. But we miss something very important. In the midst of the storm, his Master called and… Peter got out of the boat!
Get in the boat…follow God. Wait for the Wind…listen to His Spirit. Get out of the boat…run to Jesus. That’s how faith and hope carry us through our darkest night!
Take care & be God’s ,
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa , an international ministry devoted to sharing God’s encouragement and teaching others how to “encourage one another as long as it is called Today!” He is also an author, speaker, teacher, and encourager. Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. You can learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.Ciloa.org .
1. Waiting for The Wind…and other things by Lisa Brittain, published August 30, 2018.
2. Lisa Brittain is a contributor to Ciloa’s Notes of Encouragement. Her ministry, Eyes on Jesus and Shine, walks alongside women in discipleship, “focusing our eyes on Jesus”. Check her out at www.lisabrittain.com.
3. For the entire account, read Matthew 14:22-33 and Mark 6:45-52.
4. Shane Hale is a contributor to Ciloa’s Notes of Encouragement. The mission of his ministry, The 1Six Project, is to encourage and inspire others to seek God’s plan for their lives. Check him out at www.the1sixproject.com.
5. This involves the sailing maneuver tacking.
6. The Holy Spirit is often called the Wind of God. The Greek words for wind and spirit are often based on the same word…pneuma, which refers to a current of air and, figuratively, to wind or spirit.
Pictures: Banner: Seascape, Wallpaper created by Wallpapercat.com. (1) The Galilee Boat, HolyLandPhotos, holylandphotos@wordpress.com. (2) Ocean Storm, HZ-Designs, deviantart.com/hzdesigns.