Lessons from my Granddaughter
…by Sue Hunt McGee
One morning I had the privilege of taking my granddaughter Arwen to her nursery. Her mommy always takes her, and on the way she realised we were taking a different road.
“This isn’t the way my mummy goes,” she quickly told me.
I reassured her several times that I live farther from the school and had to take a different route. Still, I could tell she was a little bit concerned. Were we lost? Would we be late?
But Arwen trusted I knew a different way and laughed when I told her we were getting closer to a street she would recognise.
Soon I heard her shout, “I know this place!” She pointed to a familiar building and giggled, so excited to be very near her destination! She loves nursery and is such a confident, friendly girl.
Give all your cares to God who loves and watches over us. 1
I couldn’t help but think…
How often do we question God when He takes us into unfamiliar territory? When all around us looks unfamiliar? When we are out of our comfort zone and not sure if He is guiding us?
How often do we fail to listen when He lovingly tries to reassure us that all will be ok? When He whispers in our ear to relax and trust Him on this journey?
We so cling to what we think we know! But how sweet it is when we realise we are reaching our destination…maybe by a different route than we thought we would take…and all along safe and protected by God’s loving care over us.
When I am afraid, I will trust in my heavenly Father. 2
If I can lovingly get my beautiful Granddaughter to nursery safely….I know my loving heavenly Father can get me safely through this life!!
Well done, Arwen, for trusting me that morning and for smiling, even though you were out of your comfort zone a little bit. Oh, how I love you, sweet girl!
And thanks for showing Grandma the way around your nursery when I wasn’t too sure where I was going! We trusted each other and got the mission accomplished!
Sue Hunt McGee is a Christian Counselor and CBT Psychotherapist 8 months out of the year in London, England and helps run her family-owned fishing lodge, Alaska Trophy Adventures Lodge ( www.atalodge.com ) in Alaska the remaining 4 months.
1. See 1 Peter 5:7
2. See Psalm 56:3
Banner: photo by Jude Beck, Pxhere.com, CCO License. (1) A Quiet Soul Whispers, Jack Canfield, poster creator unknown. (23) Sue & Arwen, photo provided by Sue Hunt McGee.